Mastering Basic Commands: Teach Your Dog Sit, Stay, and Lie Down

Guides you through the process of teaching your dog three fundamental commands: sit, stay, and lie down.


Miguel Cavazos

5/27/20233 min read


Teaching your dog basic commands is an essential part of their training and strengthens the bond between you and your furry companion. In this article, we will guide you through the process of teaching your dog three fundamental commands: sit, stay, and lie down. Along the way, we will also suggest affiliate marketing products that can aid in the training process.

Miguel having a 1-on-1 with Chief The Cheagle
Miguel having a 1-on-1 with Chief The Cheagle

Please also support by using the affiliate product image links in this article if you purchase these products. This will generate a small commission for, but will not affect your purchase price. also accepts donations via GoFundMe. With your kind support, I hope to continue providing valuable content and resources tailored to our unique human + dog pack needs. I hope the information here helps your pack lead a fulfilling and healthy life. Sincerely, - Chief & Miguel

1. Teaching "Sit":

  1. Start with a treat in your hand, like Zuke's Mini Naturals Training Dog Treats (affiliate link),held above your dog's nose.

  2. Slowly move your hand back over their head, encouraging them to follow the treat with their gaze.

  3. As their head moves up, their bottom will naturally lower into a sitting position.

  4. The moment they sit, give them the treat and praise them with enthusiasm. Repeat this process multiple times until they associate the action with the command "sit."

white and brown short coated dog on green grass during daytime
white and brown short coated dog on green grass during daytime

2. Teaching "Stay":

  1. Begin with your dog in a sitting position.

  2. With an open hand, palm facing towards them, give the verbal cue "stay."

  3. Take a step backward, maintaining eye contact with your dog. If they stay in place, immediately reward them with a treat and praise.

  4. Gradually increase the distance and duration of the "stay" command, rewarding them for successful stays each time.

brown and white Beagle puppy corded to bicycle beside street
brown and white Beagle puppy corded to bicycle beside street

3. Teaching "Lie Down":

  1. Begin with your dog in a sitting position.

  2. With an open hand, palm facing towards them, give the verbal cue "stay."

  3. Take a step backward, maintaining eye contact with your dog. If they stay in place, immediately reward them with a treat and praise.

  4. Gradually increase the distance and duration of the "stay" command, rewarding them for successful stays each time.

white and brown short coat medium dog on green grass field during daytime
white and brown short coat medium dog on green grass field during daytime

Recommeded Training Aids:

Dog Training Clicker

The HoAoOo Pet Training Clicker with Wrist Strap is a handy tool for dog training. This compact and lightweight clicker produces a distinctive sound that serves as positive reinforcement during training sessions. With its wrist strap, you can easily keep the clicker accessible and prevent it from getting lost. Use this clicker to mark and reinforce desired behaviors, making training more effective and enjoyable for both you and your dog.

Dog Training Treat Pouch

The Paw Lifestyles Dog Treat Training Pouch (affiliate link) is a versatile accessory that allows you to conveniently carry pet toys, kibble, and treats. It features a built-in poop bag dispenser for easy waste management. With multiple wearing options including an adjustable waistband, shoulder strap, and metal belt clip, it offers flexibility and hands-free convenience. This compact pouch is perfect for training sessions and outdoor activities, ensuring you have everything you need at your fingertips.

Dog Training Leash

The WePet Dog Training Slip Leash (affiliate link) is a 6-foot long, rope leash designed for training and walking your dog. It features a reflective design for increased visibility and a comfortable handle for a secure grip. This slip lead is easy to use and provides control and obedience during training sessions or daily walks.


Remember, consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are key when teaching basic commands. Never scold or get angry when training, your dog loves you and is genuinely doing his or her best. Regular training sessions in short increments throughout the day will yield the best results. With time and practice, your dog will confidently respond to the commands "sit," "stay," and "lie down," making daily interactions more enjoyable and manageable.

Teaching your dog basic commands lays the foundation for effective communication and creates a well-behaved and happy canine companion. By following the steps outlined above and incorporating positive reinforcement, you can successfully teach your dog to sit, stay, and lie down. Remember to utilize the suggested training aids, such as the training clicker, treat pouch, and training leash, to enhance your training sessions. Enjoy the journey of training and bonding with your four-legged friend as you establish a strong and harmonious relationship based on trust and understanding.